====== Crew Accomodations ====== The crew mostly live on Deck 3 of the fore habitation section of the ship. There is also some quarters on deck 1 of the engineering section; the chief engineer's quarters and the duty engineer's quarters are there. The latter is used by any engineers that need to spend overnight time in the engineering section (or in the unfortunate event the spine has damage which forces the engineers to have to sleep in engineering). Thus, it is rarely occupied. The crew live in clusters of rooms called pods; a pod consists of four private bedrooms and a shared living space. The shared living space has some couches, view screen, drink dispenser, and sort of the basic common items of life. And the crew rooms are private, allowing each for their own choices and individualities. As such, a 'default' description isn't provided for the crew quarters. Instead, each crew member is encouraged to write their own description. You can use the editroom command to edit your bedroom's description. Here's a base description you can use and edit as you want: The room is a standard crew berth on the ship... A 10x12 room, currently crisp, clean, and soulless, waiting for an owner to lend their spark of life to it. A queen-size bed is built into the room in one corner. A small nightstand with a built-in lamp is affixed to the wall, and across from the bed, a small desk is built into the opposite wall, with a terminal mounted atop it. Shelves with retaining hammocks above the desk for storage currently sit empty. The desk and the nightstand both have drawers, and there are three long, low drawers under the edge of the bed. This room being one of the fifty percent of quarters that have a window, a small round porthole-style window is positioned above the nightstand. A control panel on the nightstand not only controls the light, but will make the porthole go opaque if desired. A few lockers are built into the wall between the desk and the door out into the common room, and there's a small amount of open space between the foot of the bed and the wall of the common room. Recessed light fixtures along the edge of the ceiling provide soft, unfocused illumination that a can be adjusted in both intensity and warmth, from dim fire's glow to a brilliant noon-day sun.